Bioidentical hormones are now in fashion and many women use them on a regular basis. The bioidentical hormones are naturally occurring and it is believed that they do not contain any artificial chemicals or synthetic compounds. However, bioidentical hormones do have to be processed or what is known as custom compounded in a pharmacy. The compounded formula usually contains the right amount of the estrogen and progesterone. However, compounding also requires the addition of many other substances. These substances may be additive, preservatives and chemicals to make the bioidentical easy to ingest. Moreover, chemicals are added to hold the hormone together, or to convert them into a spray or a gel. Thus, even though bioidentical hormones are naturally occurring, by the time they are custom designed they are no different from the conventional hormonal products available on the market. The only difference is that these hormones are custom designed to fit the individual’s needs. A custom designed – compounded bioidentical hormone can provide just the right amount of estrogen and progesterone which is not true of conventional hormones.

One the negative side, there are some risks for the consumer. The bioidentical hormonal preparation has little quality and the preparation may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Depending on how it is made and what is added, the hormones may not be adequately absorbed into the body. Further, the amount of inactive substances added to each formula may vary because there are no universal preparation guidelines. Making a custom designed hormone in a pharmacy also risks sterility and contamination. Most conventional drugs are made in clean laboratories under strict aseptic conditions.

While no one has shown that custom-made bioidentical hormones are dangerous, it is important for the consumer to know the above  facts. There have been plenty of cases from the Orient where hormonal products have been contaminated with other real drugs and chemicals. So if you are going to buy bioidentical hormones form a pharmacy, get to know the pharmacist, ask questions and stick to one pharmacy only. The more you change, the higher the risk that problems will occur. Bioidentical hormones are safe when taken for a short time, but it is important to discuss this with your bioidentical doctor.