In the past, women who entered menopause were frequently started on hormonal therapy to treat their symptoms of hot flashes, mood disturbances and vaginal dryness. Over the last decade, a considerable amount of evidence has revealed that perhaps not all women should undergo these hormonal treatments. In the past hormonal replacement therapy containing the female sex hormones, estrogen and 5 were standard therapy. Besides treating the symptoms of menopause, these hormones also had long-term benefits like prevention of heart disease and bone thinning. Now our attitudes have changed as we get to know more about these hormones. There is no doubt that these hormones can help overcome the symptoms of menopause. The symptoms of itching, menopause weight gain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and discomfort during sexual intercourse can be relieved. In general, estrogen is not taken alone for long periods because it can increase the risk of uterine cancer. Only women who have had a prior hysterectomy can take estrogen alone. However, these hormones also have many unpleasant side effects when used for long periods. Whether you use bioidentical hormones or the conventional synthetic products made by the pharmaceutical industry, both carry a variety of side effects.

The latest data indicate that women who take hormonal replacement therapy are at much greater risk for heart disease, breast cancer, stoke and, development of blood clots. Moreover, these hormones can cause changes in your breast that are often falsely read as cancer, which results in a high number of unnecessary surgeries. The studies on these hormones indicate that hormonal replacement therapy is not safe for more than 1-2 years. However, if these hormones are taken for short periods like 6-12 months, the benefits are great and outweigh the risks. All women should understand that the risks seen with the conventional hormones also occur with bioidentical hormones. Just because bioidentical hormones are derived from natural sources does not make them safe. Lead is naturally occurring but it is deadly when ingested.

While some women will benefit from hormonal therapy, there are others who should be very cautious about these products. Women with breast cancer, heart disease and a history of blood clots should not take these hormones. Women who have no symptoms of menopause should avoid these hormones. These women are best served by making changes in lifestyle, which can help decrease heart disease, strengthen bone and improve self-esteem