Compression Stockings

January 10, 2010

There are many types, sizes and styles of compression stockings. The two basis differences are those which reach to the knee and those that go on to the thigh. Compression stockings are widely used in many health care settings and even at home. Unlike the past, the present day compression stockings are sleek, attractive and elegant. These stockings can be worn at work, at any social function or even for casual wear,

Compression stockings promote increased blood circulation in the lower legs and can prevent formation of blood clots. All the present day compression stockings are designed in such a way that they have a pressure gradient which is greatest in the foot and decreases up along the leg.

All compression stockings feel tight at the foot and do take time getting used to. The squeezing action on the muscles helps to stimulate blood flow up the leg. After wearing stockings on a daily basis, most people find that the legs do not feel achy, swollen or painful

Compression stockings are worn to treat?

– Varicose veins
– Spider veins
– Swollen legs after a previous blood clot
– Lymphedema
– Prevention of blood clots
– Before and after any major surgery
– decrease swelling of the foot
– Venous ulcer
– decrease leg fatigue during long travel

To get the maximum benefit from compression stockings, they have to be worn every day. One should wear them the first thing in the morning and remove them late in the evening. There is no need to wear stockings while sleeping.

Compression stockings can also be used to prevent blood clot formation in patients who are bed ridden and those who are not ambulatory.

While stockings are widely used in hospitals, they can also be used as daily wear. Most of the recent stockings are soft, easy to wear and have great aesthetic features.