Even though there is no magical drug to reverse aging, there are some tricks to help you maintain your youth. The problem is that many individuals do not use the available topical moisturizing anti aging creams in the proper way.

To look young and maintain a wrinkle free skin, start wearing a sunscreen on a regular basis. The rays of sun are quite damaging to skin and can cause premature aging, in fact, over exposure to the sun is one of the worst enemies of skin. A sunscreen is essential even on cloudy days. Apply the sun screen on all sun exposed areas 20 minutes before you go out.

Today one can even buy sunscreens which have moisturizers. When you buy a sunscreen, get one which has an SPF of at least 30.

Even though you like the sexy bronzed look, avoid artificial tanning salons. Getting a tan from these places accelerates premature aging and also increases risk of cancer. Moreover tanning causes uneven skin texture and can causes blotch skin discolorations.  Tanning salons are just not safe, no matter what they claim.  Just ask a dermatologist.

No matter what climate you live in, you need to use a moisturizer on a daily basis. Moisturizers help protect the underlying skin from dryness and prevent formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Moisturizers can also help keep your skin texture smooth and give you a vibrant appearance.  After washing your face in the morning, apply a moisturizing cream all over your face, carefully about the eyes and on your neck and chest which needs just as much care.  Repeat this skin care routine in the evening as well.  Also, you need a more powerful skin moisturizer in the evening and these are called anti aging night creams.

Never buy any skincare product without first testing it. No matter what the vendors claim about their products being hypoallergenic, this is never one hundred percent fool proof. So make it a habit to test a sample. The majority of skincare products contain many synthetic chemicals which induce allergies, skin rash, itching and cause red blotches on the body. After you apply a test sample on your forearm, wait at least 3-6 days to determine if you have developed a reaction.  To play it safe, avoid the added chemicals and use an organic skin care line.  There are many of these available on the market these days.

Use less skin care products. There is not a female out there who has at least 10 different types of lipsticks, moisturizers, mascara and so on. The more chemicals you use, the higher the chance of side effects. Stick to 1-2 products that work and be patient.  Again, we recommend organic skin care products.

Patience is a virtue. Women are very impatient when it comes to their skin. Everyone wants to look great overnight. When it comes to aging, everything is time dependent. So when you buy a topical skincare product, wait for it to work before you rush out and buy another product. Some skincare products can take weeks or months to produce good results.

When it comes to skincare, use the product as directed. Women love to splash their bodies with loads of perfume, creams, lotions and potions. The only thing this does is give you a face which appears blotchy, oily, greasy and clogs up your pores. So cut down on the chemicals and use the product only as directed.

Skincare products are not supposed to burn, sting or hurt. If you develop any of these sensations, throw out the product out no matter what the vendor says. Stinging and pain are associated with irritation and all that leads to – is more skin damage.

If you notice some good results then continue with the product. Do not start testing other products and start mixing them.

Avoid most do it yourself products like microdermabrasion; self injecting Botox or chemical peels- most of these do not work and are considered junk. Save your money. The FDA frequently cautions the public about skincare products where the market for fraud is enormous.  Excellent microdermabrasions can be had at beauty spas and they are much more effective at deep cleansing and removing surface wrinkles.

Finally, do not rush off to a surgeon every time there is a new anti aging procedure advertised. Surgeons are more interested in your money rather than your looks. There is no surgical procedure that can make you look young forever.  Go easy with cosmetic surgery.  You don’t want to have a puffy face and look fake.  Keep cosmetic surgery to a minimum and go for a natural look.

If you want to preserve youth – avoid the sun, stop smoking, eat healthy, drink plenty of water to moisturize from within and take good care of your skin.

Coconut oil is widely used in the orient by millions of individuals. The oil composed chiefly or medium chain fatty acids is commonly used to flavor numerous South Asian foods and curries. Moreover, the oil is also used in many skincare products as a moisturizer and a skin softener. Many spas and clinics also use coconut oil for massages. Other uses of coconut oil include use as a lubricant during sex and as a base oil to make soaps, detergents and shampoos.

There are a lot of other health benefits attributed to coconut oil including weight loss, and reversal of low functioning thyroid. However, there is no evidence that coconut oil can help one reduce weight or cure hypothyroidism. There is not a single clinical study which has shown that daily intake of coconut oil can prevent hypothyroidism.

As far as weight loss properties of coconut oil are concerned, these are simply anecdotal reports without any scientific validity. There are thousands of Orientals who consume gallons of coconut oil on a yearly basis and still gain weight. All the hyped up data on increased metabolism and thermogenic properties of coconut oil are hogwash.

The treatment of hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone therapy. If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism like weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, constipation or extreme fatigue, go and see your physician. Thyroid hormone therapy is safe, relatively cheap and without too many side effects.  The health benefits of coconut oil have been exaggerated chiefly by people who sell this product.